Isnin, 19 September 2011

Waiting to Pay Bills.

I am abled and on behalf of people with disabilities,Iwould like to lodge a complaint regarding the suffering of a disabled man in waiting for a long queue to pay bills.

I suggested that the authority can make a special row counter for the disabled people to ease them in paying bills. Due to some of them are disabled people , so the authority must make a special row counter to prevent them from getting hurt.

I appeal to the management of Malysia post office to look into this matter as soon as possible . I hope the authority will take the complaint immediately before occur something fishy with a disabled man.

Isnin, 8 Ogos 2011



-A boy had lost his father 10 years ago-lived with his old mother in a isolate village-                            
 always got the trouble with his mom-was not listening his mom's advice-argue his mother's word-in school-often played truant-disobey with his teacher-one day-wanted money-ask his mother about it-didn't give-aboyscold his mom-due to his impatience-run away from home-had a car crash-in front of his house-

lost both legs-realize-ask forgiveness to his mom